Miles Davis
Filles de Kilimanjaro
Columbia #PC 9750, Made in USA
1x Vinyl LP, Reissue 1977
A Studio album from '68 with Miles in a transitional state....moving from acoustic post-bop to a more electric focus. This album shows the true genius of Mr. Davis, rather than staying in a tried-and-true way, Miles he has reinvented his music, as all creative geniuses do.....David Bowie, Dylan etc.. And this is Miles, always reinventing, always pushing in new directions. This ain't 'Kind of Blue' baby.
Great album and packed with talented playing and stunning detailing. Accompanied by Chick, Shorter, Ron (of course), etc..
Nice clean copy sounding wonderful., light inaudible wobble but plays very well. Solid clean copy. Bitchin' playing! Sleeve light wear.