· By D Millar

A New Year, new location and now needing a new cartridge

We’ve recently relocated the OnVinyl business to a new site nearby, still based in Grey Lynn. It was no small feat lugging over 1000kgs of records to their new home, and the movers were understandably puzzled by the whole process.


But, of course, we’ve continued cleaning, grading, and photographing the stock for our website. This means we’ll need to listen to the records, because, ultimately, the sound is what matters most.


Our reference Rega turntable made the move to the new premises, and we set up the valve pre- and power amps, along with the hefty KEF speakers for optimal listening.


With everything in place, we were ready to demo. Kate Bush’s The Whole Story filled the room with beautiful, tuneful English vibes. We also had a couple of Willy Colon albums (highly recommended) and a fantastic U.S. pressing of After the Gold Rush to enjoy. Everything sounded great so far. The Rega, paired with the Lyra Keos MC cartridge, strikes the perfect balance of detail and punch.

We played through a few albums, and things were going smoothly. As best practice when job done we would fit the stylus guard to protect this delicate piece of technology. That’s when disaster struck. The guard went on at a slight angle, and before we knew it, the stylus vanished!


A moment of silence followed, then some heartfelt wailing. Not the ideal outcome, but a known risk for any analog lover.


Has this happened to you? Let us know what went wrong and what gear you were using. I’ll recover from this setback and get a new cartridge replacement lined up soon.

Sans Cantilever and stylus below

Just a note to wish everyone the best for the coming year. We have some great trips planned and suggest you might like to update your Wish List on our site. That reminds us keep an eye out for treats you may be after. We are always expanding our business including our depth of range over the next year, so keen for any feedback.


Looking forward to catching up with many of you soon.


All the best, Otis

1 comment

  • I have twice had to send a SoundSmith cartridge to New York for a new stylus!

    Garrick Wynne on

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